

Resolve the debate by consulting friends, neighbors, and the rest of the world.

Zoplo is the new social app that gives you the power to settle any debate, make any decision and share any opinion.

With Zoplo, you can post and vote in polls on anything from pop culture and current events to hypothetical situations and would-you-rather questions.

Scroll through your personalized poll feed, vote in polls, and understand the world one vote at a time. Follow friends and influencers to see how similar you really are. Stay up to date with the hottest topics by voting on the top searches on the Zoplo leaderboard. Or climb the leaderboard yourself by posting a thought-provoking poll.

With local polls displayed in your poll feed, you can connect to the community around you, get the gossip, and never Black Jack Play lose.

Search the world.

Polls are shown to friends, neighbors, and the rest of the world through our main poll feed, giving each user access to an instant audience.

Understand people.

Vote in a poll to show the results and see what other people think.

Resolve the debate.

Zoplo makes debating hot topics and trivial issues social and fun.

Give your opinion and discuss the results in the comments section.

Never get confused again, comments are color coordinated based on what you voted for.

Customized for you.

Whether you want to see polls on current affairs or just have fun, the polls displayed in your poll feed are personalized based on your tastes and interests.

Searches are social.

See if you and your best friend are as similar as you think. Follow friends and influencers to see what they voted for.

Climb the leaderboard.

The more votes your poll gets, the higher you will climb on the leaderboard.

Big questions, hot topics and fun questions.

Post polls on any topic, from questions about what you prefer to getting your friends' opinions.

“Would you rather live forever or have unlimited money?”

“Will Arsenal win the Premier League?”

“Which dress do you prefer?”

"This or that?"

Download Zoplo and join the community of fun users who make Zoplo the best social search app.


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